Alexander, Corky, Native American Pentecost
Augustus, Gerald L., The Battle of Campbell’s Station
Bear-Barnetson, Cheryl, Introduction to First Nations Ministry
Bates, Thomas Eric, Native American Identity, Christianity, and Critical Contextualization
Biller, Tom, 101 Therapeutic Illustrations and Devotionals: Object Lessons for Life
Church, Casey, Holy Smoke: The Contextual Use of Native American Ritual and Ceremony
Church, Casey, Native American Contextual Ministry: Making the Transition
Gaines, Margaret, Small Enough to Stop the Violence
Gaines, Margaretm Meditations on the Advent Wreath
Gause, R. Hollis, God, Prayer, Redemption, and Hope: Pastoral and Theological Reflections
McMahan, Oliver, Scriptural Counseling: A God-Centered Method
Howard, Randy and Tony Richie, Pentecostal Explorations for Holiness Today: Words from Wesley
May, Jordan Daniel, Global Witnesses to Pentecost: The Testimony of ‘Other Tongues’
Tomberlin, Daniel, Pentecostal Sacraments: Encountering God at the Altar